Advice & Interim Management

Asset Management exploration

What does good asset management bring you? AssetPouwer provides prictical insight.

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Asset Management awareness

Support with the creation of support for improvements in the field of asset management.

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Gap analysis ISO 55000

How good is your asset management system and are there points for improvement?

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Definition improvements

We determine the value of asset management improvements and help you to set priorities.

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Change Management

Within 6 months durable improvement of asset management and cooperation.

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ISO 55000 certification

Support for a smooth certification project.

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Definition Asset Management Improvements

You want to use asset management to add an optimum value to your organizational objectives and the requirements and wishes of stakeholders. This value can have different forms, for example: financial, offering safety or capacity, to comply with the legislation or to make a contribution to the image. You noticed that a number of improvements of your asset management system or your asset management activities are necessary.

Our offer

AssetPouwer helps you define improvements on the area of asset management. We do so in different steps. They can be as follows:

  1. Determining the value of the individual improvements for your organization, the extent of the costs for them and the time needed for implementation. At this, the risk reduction in case organizational objectives are not achieved could also have a value;
  2. Together we determine priorities based on this value, costs and time. You then select what improvements we will elaborate further;
  3. Based on our practical knowledge and your employees’ experience, we propose different alternatives for the selected improvements. We present an estimation of the value, risk reduction, costs and planning for each alternative;
  4. Choose the best alternatives for your organization;
  5. Further development of a Plan of Approach for the implementation of the chosen alternatives. A part of this is a further elaboration of the value, risk reduction, costs, concrete planning and communication plan.


  • Report with estimation of the value, costs and duration of potential improvements;
  • Documented priorities and selection;
  • Report of alternatives for selected improvements;
  • Plan of Approach for implementation of concrete improvements, including value, risk reduction, costs, concrete planning and communication plan.