Advice & Interim Management

About AssetPouwer

AssetPouwer is an independent consultancy specialized in asset management. We help our customers with the management of their assets, so these contribute to the organizational objectives maximally.

AssetPouwer provides services on both strategic-tactical level as on operational level. This link secures a holistic approach AND practical feasibility. The power of AssetPouwer

The power of AssetPouwerAssetPouwer uses four important values to provide its services:

  • Your organizational objectives
  • People
  • Structure
  • Result

The driving force behind AssetPouwer is Adrie Pouwer. He relies on 25 years valuable experience in asset management. His experience covers the entire life cycle of the assets, from investments to maintenance and operation. He has both a helicopter view on the strategic level as well as practical experience in technical aspects.

Customers of AssetPouwer are companies and organizations that either possess or manage complex and valuable assets, companies that their very core business depends on reliable delivery of their products and services.

Member of:

NEN Standardization Committee Asset Management ISO 55000 ISO 55001Stichting Warmtenetwerk